Thursday, January 20, 2011

Do What You Say... Consistently

Integrity is the Secret #2 revealed by T Harv Ecker on his latest blog about the habit of millionaires. I define integrity as doing what you say even if others are not looking, or checking on you, and doing it consistently. It is also our 2nd TRM VALUE.

In investing and business, this is very key ingredient to make you successful. Once you have resolved to start up your saving, investment, and Business Plans, you need o do it consistently. Day by day, month by month, year by year even when it seems difficult, and even if there is no one checking on you.

T Harv says that " The most successful millionaires I know all have absolute INTEGRITY. Integrity simply means doing what you say you are going to do. When you make commitments to yourself that you don’t keep, you train your mind to not do what you say. You’re setting yourself up NOT to succeed."

So you need to develop INTEGRITY from within to be able to have integrity in front of others. And it is indeed a very important characteristic, or call it quality of a successful and happy millionaire. We need to ACT on what we SAY and PLAN we will do, and do it CONSISTENTLY. In other words, we must continually and consistently invest and do Business to achieve our financial plans. If we do this, we are guaranteed to be millionaires. Even when nobody is CHECKING on YOU!

Happy investing!

God bless us all!

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