Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Happy Investing at 60% ROR for 2010! Happy New Year!

If you put your money in the bank, the best earning you can have is about 4% If you own the bank, you would have earned more than 100%... Neither of the two am I but I earned more than 60% ROR on my investments last year. And it is easy, uncomplicated, and fun to do. And by the way, it is also very legal, and certainly not a SCAM.

So how did I do that, I placed continuously investments on Mutual funds which had surpassed the projections. It even climbed beyond 70% finally settling down at about 60% by year end. What exactly does 60% ROR means? It means that if you have placed 100K Php as investments beginning of 2010, your money by end of the year is already 160K Php and you do nothing. No going to the bank, no checking the trend, no analyzing or managing your investments. Somebody who is an expert in those things such as what stocks to buy, when and how much to buy for each is already done for you. You simply fill up investment forms, have two government issued ID xeroxed and submitted along with your investment and your done.

To maximize Money Cost Averaging on your Mutual Fund Investments, then just do this monthly. That is how simple it is and your money will certainly earn more interest than simply putting it in a bank.

If you want to learn more about this type of safe, easy and trouble free investing, just contact me through email or through this blog.

Happy Investing!

God bless!

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