Sunday, January 2, 2011

Investing is Really Made Simpler

How much is your Rate of Return (ROR) from your investments? Do you beat the 12% mark? In the last two years, our ROR beats not just 12%... you wont believe it...but it's true... And it is so simple that most people fear it is another scheme to dupe them of their money, or in short another form of SCAM.

In the talk of Bro Bo last Sunday at the Feast in PICC, he updated the community that his maids whom he taught on how to invest in stocks market now have more than 70,000php out of the 2000Php/month investments and his fearless forecast is that his maids will become millionaires if they continue to invest within 7 years. If you do not know Bro Bo...then you would say the same thing...SCAM...

But let me tell you, if you really want to be truly rich, it is really very simple yet it is made complicated by most people who do not know , or not financially literate.

With just small amounts of investments, one can achieve huge investments in their future. In the past, you need to have access with brokers, and have to have a large sum of money to get into investing. But now a days, all you need is 5000Php for initial investments, and you can add on as low as 1000Php per month. If you just take a conservative estimate of 12% ROR per year, and you maintain the 1000Php/month of investments, you will have more than 3,000,000.00 Php in 30 Years. Make it 2000Php and you will have more than 6Million!

If you want to learn more on Mutual Funds, and Direct Stocks Investing...just contact me...

God bless!

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