Sunday, January 9, 2011

It All Starts With A Plan...

It's another year ahead of us, and we have just completed our family annual planning session. We reviewed our past year and declared our Big Dreams for this year. We always find it fulfilling to have our planning session as a family.

In the corporate world, we also do this on an annual basis and review our progress daily, weekly, monthly and quarterly at different levels of hte organization.

In planning for financial success, the same rudiment is required. You have to make a plan. You can't achieve your financial goals if you do not create a plan. If you have your own family, you and your spouse are the leaders of that family and as a Leader, you need to make sure you have a plan.

As you can read below this blog, " A Leader cannot afford to neglect planning"- John C Maxwell. Thus, we must ensure we do come up with a plan.

The basic essence of financial planning is similar to that of corporate world. We just have to add some more tools X-Curve Concept, , Financial Check Up Forms, and Financial Goals Worksheet.

You want to learn the Steps to becoming truly wealthy? It starts with a plan....

You want to learn more about it...just drop an email comment to this blog.

I will be more than happy to help you!

God bless!

A Leaders Way
Leaders cannot afford to neglect planning

By John C. Maxwell
Philippine Daily Inquirer
First Posted 20:52:00 01/08/2011

Filed Under: business

“Good planning always costs less than good reacting.”
—Wayne Schmidt

IN OCTOBER 2010 the most expensive public works project in America, ARC, officially met its demise. The project would have constructed two tunnels beneath the Hudson River to add much-needed railways between New Jersey and Manhattan. However, poor planning led to wasteful spending and put the project on pace to exceed its budget by at least $1 billion.

A federal audit of the project brought to light an embarrassing lack of planning. The audit charged NJ Transit with failing to draw up plans to combat fraud and waste in its financial practices. The same audit chastised the FTA for authorizing NJ Transit to spend $1.35 billion without having seen a project management plan, master schedule or financial plan from the agency. On account of ARC’s runaway costs and inadequate strategic plans, New Jersey Governor Chris Christie decided to cancel the project.

The appeal of planning ahead

As a leader, you may be tempted to initiate action without taking the time to map out plans. After all, it feels unproductive to think about how to do something when you could simply roll up your sleeves and start making things happen. However, it’s far less of an investment to prepare for a project in advance than to repair a project after it has gone awry.

In leadership, all is well that begins well. Leaders who carefully craft strategies enjoy success, while those who haphazardly race forward experience heartache.

Strategy functions as a leader’s blueprint, playbook or script. It aligns action and focuses energy toward a goal, preventing costly delays and wasted resources. By following a coherent strategy, leaders arrive at a predetermined destination instead of wandering in an uncertain direction.

Leadership planning process

These nine simple steps outline the leadership planning process. I trust they will be beneficial to you as you make plans for a successful 2011.

Predetermine your course of action
Lay out your goals
Adjust your priorities
Notify key personnel
Allow time for acceptance
Head into action
Expect problems
Always point to your successes
Daily review your progress

(Begin the year right by raising your leadership skills. Attend the “Developing the Leader Within You” with Maxwell-certified speaker Francis Kong on January 19-20 at the EDSA Shangri-La Hotel. Avail of a “Buy 1 Seat, Get 1 Seat Free” promo by calling Inspire Leadership Consultancy at 6872614 or 7064853 and look for Kriselle. Visit us at

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