Monday, January 24, 2011

Having Financial Literacy Is The First Step

Many books and seminars talk about Secrets of the Millionaires, How To Become Rich, How To Invest, and many other How to's.... This is because the very first step to getting rich is by enriching our mind first with knowledge. We wont know the right steps unless we get ourselves trained or educated or both. We need to first Invest on Knowledge.

In the 2011 message of the Chairman of Citisec On-Line underscored the need for financial literacy among Filipino investors. He has taken the mission to spread financial literacy specifically on investing in stocks and make it easy for common Filipinos to get involved in stocks investing. Bro Bo Sanchez a lay preacher and leader of the Light Of Jesus Community also emphasizes the need to have Financial Literacy. He conducts regular Truly Rich Coaching Seminars to reach out to as many people, and be able to open people's minds on how to have passive income streams or "automatic money machines".

Our company's mission is to ensure "No Family Is Left Behind" and we do this by continuing education through free seminars that we conduct all over the Philippines and all over the world. We provide financial literacy to those who are seeking the right way to becoming truly rich. This is because we firmly believe that indeed the very first step to financial freedom is financial literacy.

Go and get books, attend seminars and increase your financial literacy.

God bless us all!

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