Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Start Early... Start NOW!

The easiest thing to do after you have learned new concepts is to forget it and do nothing about it. Delays in acting on something normally breeds habit of procrastination delaying anything you need to do.

There are so many people I met in their 50's that always say, "sayang...bakit ngayon ko lang nalaman"... The pain of regret of not knowing the concepts earlier as they find it more difficult to achieve their financial goals. What is even more pitiful is that I also meet people who are very young, have a good job, but is so comfortable in their spending habits that despite the obviousness and clarity of the financial planning concepts we share, still let the opportunity to execute or put to action their savings and investment plans to hold.

As you know by now, investments as easy as 1000 per month for 25 Years on an average of 12% per year compounded interest growth will amount to 1.8M Pesos, and if you extend that 35 years it will be amounting to 5.4M Pesos. If you start say at age 20 before you turn 45 you are already a Millionaire and a Multi-Millionaire by age 50. If you procrastinate and do it when you turn 50 you may not have the chance to enjoy this millions. Or to achieve the same amount in 5 years at 12 % one has to save and invest 20K per month to have 1.9M pesos.

Which is easy, saving 34 pesos per day amounting to 1000 pesos per month of savings, or saving 680 pesos per day ?

So the key thing really is to Start Early and Start Now! Be a Millionaire!

Happy Investing.

God bless us all!

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