Monday, January 17, 2011

Stay Simple...

Simplicity is a virtue that we need to be truly rich. People who had gone up their financial status who does not remain simple that flaunts their riches turns me off and makes me pity them. I have also seen those who raises their lifestyle ahead of their earnings finds it easy to lose their millions. Those who remains simple despite their financial success are the truly rich people.

In recent years my model of simplicity is one of the richest man on earth with billions of dollars in his name. He is Warren Buffet. Though he had accumulated so much wealth, he has remained a man of simple joys and lifestyle. He still drives his own not brand new car. He lives in the same house for the last 35 years. He never flies on a private jet though he owns one of the largest private jet manufacturer in the world. The list goes on and on.

In one of the rare photo shoots showing Bill gates and Warren Buffet, you can see how the two differs in their ways from the suit they wear. Warren , being simple as he is, wears what is comfortable for him and not the signature dresses. He always say that what we have to spend on are the needs of others. He does what he say for he had contributed several billions of his money to charity, He is one of the biggest if not the biggest donors of Bill Gates foundation.

You want to be truly rich and very happy! Follow the examples of Warren .

Be Rich! Be Truly Rich!

Stay simple and donate to charities and your church!

God bless us all!

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